Careers in Civil Engineering: Consulting Engineer

Careers in Civil Engineering: Consulting Engineer

All the construction activities, no matter what type they are, are carried out under the guidance and the leadership of the civil engineering consultant. The consultants can be considered to the sort of project leaders whose advice has to be obtained for almost all construction related works.

Civil Engineering Jobs: Consulting Engineer

All the construction activities, no matter what type they are, are carried out under the guidance and the leadership of the civil engineering consultant. The consultants can be considered to the sort of project leaders whose advice has to be obtained for almost all construction related works.

Job Opportunities as the Consulting Engineer

If you a civil engineer, you can work as a private consultant in your own firm or in the company providing civil engineering consultancy services. In your firm you will be the leader of the project guiding and monitoring various construction activities. If you are working in the company, you will be a part of the consulting engineers guiding a particular part of the large project. As you gain experience and necessary skills in large company, you may be promoted to handling the complete projects and even becoming project leaders.

The building companies employ a team of consultant for various construction activities. They will guide the team of engineering supervisors and also ensure the quality of construction. The contracting companies will hardly have the consulting engineers as their employees because the employers employ different company as the consultant so the contractor has to work under the supervision of the consulting company.

Jobs of the Civil Consulting Engineer

The consultant is considered to the most important part of any civil engineering project. Right from developing the concept and designing, they are involved into all the parts of the project and their work is completed only after the completion of the project. Various contractors may come-in and go at various stages of the project, but the consultant remains active participant right from the beginning to the end of the project. Here are the various tasks preformed by the consultant:

1) If you are private consultant with own firm your work starts with designing the building and making various drawings. You will make the plan, the elevation and internal drawings of the building. After the discussions with the client and some modifications the plan is finalized and the project starts. As a private consultant you will recommend the construction contractor or in some cases the client may employ the contractor of his/her choice. Whoever the contractor is, they have to work under the guidance of consultant as per the designs and drawings made by them.

2) If you are working in the consulting firm you will be a part of the bigger designing and execution team. This consulting firm specializes in certain construction activities like construction of buildings, bridges, dams, roads, etc. You should have gained experience and expertise to work in any of these firms or companies as a consultant. As a consultant in these companies your role will be to do designing as per the requirements of the project and make various drawings. You also have to make the plans for execution of the project, make the estimate of various operations and ensure that the project is being executed within the specified budget and schedule times.

Qualifications required to be a Civil Engineering Consultant

It is the consultant on whom the success of the project mainly depends. A good, experienced, qualified and expert consultant brings about successful execution and completion of the project, no matter how difficult the project is, smoothly without any hindrances. To be a successful consultant you need to have good qualifications, experience, expertise, and natural instinct to guide the team of people. You should be an excellent blend of the theoretical and practical knowledge of civil engineering.

The important thing is that you should be professionally qualified. You can become consultant after completing your graduation in civil engineering or after doing architecture. For special consultancy projects like for structures, bridges, roads etc you need to have post-graduation qualification in the respective fields.

Apart from the professional qualifications you should have great interest in designing and drawing and also a great inclination towards helping and guiding the people. Merely gaining professional theoretical knowledge will not help you build your career, it is the deep passion for the work that helps you succeed. The job of the engineering consultant is of high responsibility and it can bring you lots of name, fame, and money if you have inherent qualities of a consultant.