Field Work

Field Work

As soon as the survey party arrives in the field the following details are entered in the field book:

(i) Title of the survey work

(ii) The date of survey

(iii) The names of the members of the party.

The field work may be divided into the following:

(i) Reconnaissance survey.

(ii) Marking stations, drawing reference sketches.

(iii) Line by line surveying.

Reconnaissance survey consists in going round the field and identifying suitable stations for the network of triangles. Neat sketch of network is drawn and designated.

All main stations should be marked on the ground. Some of the methods used for marking are:

(a) Fixing ranging poles

(b) Driving pegs

(c) Marking a cross if ground is hard

(d) Digging and fixing a stone.

Then reference sketches are drawn in the field book so as to identify stations when the development works are taken up. For this measurements with respect to three permanent points are noted. The permanent points may be

(a) Corner of a building

(b) Posts of gates

(c) Corners of compound walls

(d) Electric poles

(e) A tree.

After that, line by line surveying is conducted to locate various objects with respect to chain lines.

Office Work

It consists in preparing the plan of the area to a suitable scale making use of measurements and sketches noted in the field book.