The adjustments to be made at every setting of the instrument are called temporary adjustments. The following three adjustments are required for the instrument whenever set over a new point before taking a reading:

(i) Setting                                         

(ii) Levelling

(iii) Focussing.


Tripod stand is set on the ground firmly so that its top is at a convenient height. Then the level is fixed on its top. By turning tripod legs radially or circumferentially, the instrument is approximately levelled. Some instruments are provided with a less sensitive circular bubble on tribrach for this purpose.


The procedure of accurate levelling with three levelling screw is as given below:

(i) Loosen the clamp and turn the telescope until the bubble axis is parallel to the line joining any two screws

(ii) Turn the two screws inward or outward equally and simultaneously till bubble is centred.

(iii) Turn the telescope by 90° so that it lies over the third screw and level the instrument by operating the third screw.

(iv) Turn back the telescope to its original position and check the bubble. Repeat steps (ii) to (iv) till bubble is centred for both positions of the telescope.

(v) Rotate the instrument by 180°. Check the levelling. Focussing Focussing is necessary to eliminate parallax while taking reading on the staff. The following two steps are required in focussing:

(i) Focussing the eyepiece: For this, hold a sheet of white paper in front of telescope and rotate eyepiece in or out till the cross hairs are seen sharp and distinct.

(ii) Focussing the objective: For this telescope is directed towards the staff and the focussing screw is turned till the reading appears clear and sharp.

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