Solid Waste Collection

Objective(s): To describe the tasks and logistics of MSW collection, to analyze collection systems, and to become familiar with the principals and theory behind the use of transfer stations


  • Understand problems and concerns associated with MSW collection.
  • Compare and contrast privately and publicly operated systems.
  • Understand the types of collection systems
  • To identify the benefits associated with the use of transfer stations
  • To prepare an economic analysis of transfer stations
  • To understand the design issues associated with transfer stations

General Information

Collection accounts for 50-70% of a SW budget!

Types of Collection System

  • Refuse Collection Systems – Household waste removed from the home
  • Commercial Waste Collection – Commercial waste removed primarily using dumpsters
  • Recyclable Material Collection – Collection of recyclable materials separated at the source of generation


  • Both Vehicles and Containers are required
  • Average life of vehicles: 5-7 yrs
  • Residential collection vehicles – Packer trucks
    • most have internal compactors
    • Rear loaders – larger hopper not as necessary with the elimination of larger, bulky items
    • Side loaders – 2 person crew (driver and loader)
    • Mechanically loaded
    • Front Loader, residential waste place in bin then cycled (Cal and western states)
  • Commercial waste collection vehicle
    • Front Loader
    • Hoist truck; small operation, few pickup locations, bulky items
    • Tilt frame – large containers, widely used 
    • Trash trailers – heavy rubbish (C/D)
  • Recycling – compartmentalized truck

Automated Collection

¨         Usually only one driver required works best:

o       without on-street parking, low hanging wires, narrow streets

·        Where commitment to preventative maintenance

·        Where commitment to educating public

·        60-90 gal containers

Collection Options

City-Run Collection

  • More control over collection
  • City owns and operates all equipment
  • City manages personnel
  • Funded from property tax, user fees, or utility bill
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
    1. Municipalities tend to be less efficient than private companies
    2. Capital expenditures can be difficult
    3. May require passage of bond
    4. Tendency to minimize short-term spending without considering long-term implications
  • Advantages
  1. Non-profit
  2. Centralized operation
  3. City maintains complete control over waste

Private Collection

·         City gives contract to firm(s) as a set fee based on bidding process, users are billed directly

Non-Exclusive Franchises

  • Multiple contractors competing for service in community

Exclusive Franchises

  • One contractor is responsible for a given area


  • No capital expenditure for city
  • Long-term lower costs
  • Impose order on collection (exclusive franchise)
  • Regular pickup schedules (exclusive franchise)
  • Trash cans/trucks on street one or two days per week (exclusive franchise)
  • Lower costs due to improved routing and technology (exclusive franchise)


  • Difficult to compete with large haulers
  • Leads to domination by a few haulers (exclusive franchise)
  • Citizens provide a profit to waste hauler
  • City can become overly dependent
  • Requires oversight by city

Problems and Concerns


  • Labor intensive
  • Labor unskilled
  • High turn-over rates
  • Few prospects for mechanical replacement of manual labor
  • Injuries and poor working conditions
  • Limited career opportunities

Customer Service

  • Frequency of service
  • Container and storage issues particularly for commercial and industrial
  • Location of pickup
  • Special wastes

Management and Financing Issues

  • Low priority
  • Resistance to change and new technologies
  • Lack of quality management
  • Inflation
  • Changing with new regulations

Technological Issues

  • Collection of multiple streams (recyclables, yard waste, special wastes)
  • Single stream vs. commingled recyclables

¨         curbside collection costs are $15/ton less for single stream

¨         sorting costs at MRFs are $10/ton more for single-stream

¨         paper quality lower for single stream

  • Yard waste containers – bagged material must be debagged prior to composting
  • Automated collection (still requires an operator)
  • Development of efficient routes
  • Vehicle weight restrictions
  • Vehicle turning radius and clearance

Frequency of Collection

Collection frequency has been declining since the 1950s. By the 1970s, once per week (1/wk) collection was common in half of the U.S. This trend continued into the 1980s but at a reduced rate. The south still uses twice a week collection (2/wk) almost exclusively.

 Reasons for declining collection frequency include;

  • Proportion of putrescible waste declined (food grinders)
  • Better design of collection vehicles controls odors and flies
  • Service costs increased
  • Time between collection and disposal decreased
  • Better management

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Collection Frequencies

Alternative Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages Favoring Conditions 
Once per week or less Less expensive, Requires less fuel Improperly stored waste can create odor and vector problems Cold to moderate climate 
Twice per week Reduces litter, Reduces storage requirements More expensive, Requires more fuel Warm climate 
More than twice per week Reduces litter, Reduces storage requirements More expensive, Requires more fuel Dense population 

Factors Affecting Decisions and Calculations

Fixed Factors

  • Climate
  • Topography
  • Layout – container access (alley, curbside, rear of house)
  • Available transportation systems, traffic, roads (Venice uses boats)
  • Types of wastes collected
  • Population density

Variable Factors

  • Storage techniques employed
  • Recycling
  • Collection frequency
  • Crew size
  • Equipment


1. Analysis of collection time

                        Y =  a +  b + c(d) + e + f + g


    Y    =     total collection time
    a     =     garage to route time
    b     =     actual time collecting waste
    c     =     number of trips to disposal site
    d     =     time to drive fully loaded truck to disposal facility, unload and return to collection area
    e     =     time to drive to garage at the end of the trip
    f     =     official breaks, including bathroom visits
    g     =     other lost time such as traffic jams, breakdowns

f  + g   =     off route time, usually a fraction of Y

  • a, d, and e are a function of distance and speed
  • b is a function of the number of customers, time per customer, number of loads (full or partial)
  • c is a function of the capacity of the vehicle and its compaction ratio

2. Analysis of number of vehicles required

                            N = SF/XW


    N    =     number of vehicles required
    S     =     total number of customers served per week
    F     =     collection frequency
    X    =      number of customers truck can serve per day
   W    =      number of work days per week

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