transfer station is a building or processing site for the temporary deposition of wasteTransfer stations are often used as places where local waste collection vehicles will deposit their waste cargo prior to loading into larger vehicles.

Typical activities at the waste transfer station involved the unloading of garbage trucks, pre-screening and removal of inappropriate items such as automobile batteries, compacting and then reloading onto larger vehicles, including trucks, trains and barges to their final destination.

Key Benefits

The transfer station is a key component of cost-effective solid waste transportation. By transferring waste from local collection vehicles onto larger trailers or other transport modes such as barge and rail, the cost of transportation to distant disposal sites can be significantly reduced, freeing collection-specific vehicles and crews to devote their time to actual collection activities. Here are some of the main benefits:

·         Provides fuel savings, reduction in road wear and less air polution due to fewer vehicles being on the road

·         Provides a trash and recyclable material drop-off location for citizens

·         Reduces total traffic congestion in the community by transferring it onto larger vehicles

·         Reduces total truck traffic and improves safety at the landfill or waste-to-energy facility

·         Provides the opportunity to screeen incoming trash for such purposes as removing hazardous waste or recovering recyclables