Joints of Stone Masonry

When start making a stone masonry then comes some joints in stone masonry like a butt joint, Lapped or rebated joint, Table joint, Tongued and grooved joint, Rusticated joints, Slate joints, Saddle joint, Dewel Joints, Cramped joint, Plugged Joints.

Joints of stone masonry

ยท         Butt joint

ยท         Lapped or rebated joint

ยท         Table joint

ยท         Tongued and grooved joint

ยท         Rusticated joints

ยท         Slate joints

ยท         Saddle joint

ยท         Dewel Joints

ยท         Cramped joint

ยท         Plugged Joints

Butt Joint

In butt joint, two stones are placed adjacent to each other stone over the other is not allowed. This is used for arch work, coping on gables, stones laid on slopes, etc.

Lapped or Rebated joint

In this type of joint, the movement of one stone over the other does not allow. This use for arch work, coping on gables, stones laid on slopes, etc.

Table joint

In a table joint, a joggle makes in the bed of the stone to check the lateral movement. In case, the lateral pressure is very high this type of joint is more suitable.

Tongued and Grooved joint

In this type of joints, a projection of one stone fits in the corresponding groove of the stone of the adjacent. This type of joint also prevents the sliding of stones.

Rusticated joint

In Rusticated joint, the edges of the joint sunk below the plane of face work. The different types of rusticate joints can channel joint, vee joins and the vee and channeled joint.

Rusticated Joint

Slate joint

In slate joint, a piece of slate or metal place in between the corresponding groove of adjacent stone.

Slate joint

Saddle joint

In this type of joint the stone if rounded off to protect the joints of cornices and similar surface from rainwater. The rainwater moving on the surface in divested away from the joints.

Dowel joint

In this joint dowels of slate, gunmetal, brass, bronze, etc. are introduced to connect the two pieces of stone. The dowel inserted into holes drilled in each stone piece and secured in position with cement.

Cramped joint

A cramp is a piece of metal with ends turn down. A dovetail groove makes in two pieces of stone and the cramped place in position. Later the rest of the groove grout with lead or cement mortar.

Plngged Joint

In this type of joint, a depression makes below the top surface dovetailed in the plan. Molten lead or rich cement mortar pour in the dovetail.