Concrete Stretcher Blocks

Concrete Stretcher Blocks

Concrete stretcher blocks are used to join the corner in the masonry. Stretcher blocks are widely used concrete hollow blocks in construction. They are laid with their length parallel to the face of the wall.

Concrete Corner Blocks

Corner blocks are used at the ends or corners of masonry. The ends may be window or door openings etc. they are arranged in a manner that their plane end visible to the outside and other end is locked with the stretcher block.

Concrete Pillar Blocks

Pillar block is also called as double corner block. Generally these are used when two ends of the corner are visible. In case of piers or pillars these blocks are widely used.

Jamb Concrete Blocks

Jamb blocks are used when there is an elaborated window opening in the wall. They are connected to stretcher and corner blocks. For the provision of double hung windows, jamb blocks are very useful to provide space for the casing members of window.


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