Comparison between CPCC, FBEC & CRSD

Comparison between CPCC, FBEC & CRSD

Before doing the comparison study let’s know what these terms mean.

CPCC – Cement-Polymer Composite Coated Rebar’s

FBEC – Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Rebar’s

CRSD – Corrosion Resistant Steel Deformed Rebar’s

1.0 Corrosion Control of Reinforcement bars (Rebar’s)

40% of failure of structures is on account of corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement in concrete. Therefore corrosion control of steel reinforcement is a subject of paramount importance. First and foremost for corrosion control is the good quality of concrete through good construction practices.

Fig. 1 Different types of crack formation
Fig. 2 Crack formed due to bursting pressure on account of rusting of reinforcements

2.0 Cement-Polymer Composite Coated Rebars (CPCC)

System at a glance

Products involved in CPCC normally are:

• De-rusting Solution

• Alkaline Powder

• Phosphating Jelly

• Inhibitor Solution

• Sealing Solution

S NoParameterRequirement
1.Pre-treatment(Surface reparation)Sand blasting to the near white metal
2.Primer CoatTo be given within 4 hours of sand blasting.
3.Sealer CoatWithin 30 minutes of primer coat, this should be given. Thickness 150 microns plus minus 25 microns.
4.Air curingSix hours before use in the work.
5.Continuity of coatingNo defects such as cracking, bulging, peeling, no rust mark. Inspect visually.
6.Adhesion of coating – testCoated bars are bent at 120 o around a mandrel. NO peeling or cracking should be observed on outer radius.
7.StackingStack bars on buffer material.
8.Cutting , bending, weldingCoat bars can be cut and bent. Cut ends and weld positions should be treated with same formulation.

This system has been developed mainly as a factory / shop process.

• The approach behind development of this system is that the base metal of rebars, contains ? electrons which get readily released in corrosive environment leading to oxidation of iron and thereby formation of Ferrous Oxide (II) (rust) as principal deterrent.

• In order to prevent this oxidation a surface coating capable of interacting/nullifying the released electrons is provided.

• Further pre-stressing and reinforcing steel, in concrete during service life, are exposed to an alkaline environment and this necessitates introductions of a top coat which should be compatible to primer and alkaline environment.

3.0 Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Rebars (FBEC)

System at a glance

1.Pre-treatment(Surface reparation)1. Bars are first cleaned from surface contaminationsuch as oil, grease etc. by chemical process before shot blasting.2. The reinforcement bars are cleaned by shot blasting orgrit blasting to white or near white stage.3. The blast cleaned bars are then heated throughinduction heaters at preset temperature level around 230°C.
2.CoatingHot bars are then fed to the coating booth, where theepoxy powder is sprayed electrostatically.
3.Curing and CoolingCoated bars are then cured and forcedcooled by water spraying to enable handling and testing.
4.Continuity of coatingOn line and off line holiday checks, thickness checks are carried out. The adhesion of the coated bars is also tested frequently by bending of the bar.
5.Testing of Performance ofrebarVarious other tests are performed in laboratory like chemical resistance, short spray, resistance in continuance boiling water, abrasion resistance and impact resistance etc. These are conducted on every batch of production.
6.Handling & StackingFusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Bars require padded contacts during transportation, stacking, handling and till the concreting is done.
7.Cutting, bending & weldingThe cut ends, welded spots and handling damages are required to be repaired with special liquid epoxy compatible with the coating material as per specification of the coating agency.

• Fusion bonded epoxy is basically 100% solid finely ground fused powder particles, which when heated; melt to form a continuous adherent film.

• There is no passivating primer film provided in case of FBEC rebars.

• This coating introduces a medium of weakness in the path of an intimate bond between rebar and alkaline concrete.

• Extensive investigation carried out on 40 bridges in Florida Key in USA has revealed that disbandment can occur easily in the FBEC rebars which lacked passivation layer of Ferrous oxide (II) and is a precursor to corrosion.

• Higher co-efficient of Thermal Expansion of fusion bonded epoxies impose large thermal stresses in epoxy coating leading to its early failure.

Epoxy coats the rebar in the following manner:






Adheres as coating

IS 13620

4.0 Corrosion Resistant Steel Deformed Rebars (CRSD)

• Mechanism of resistance to corrosion begins with the formation of initial layer of protective oxide or rust. (Hypo oxides). Unlike common rust on normal rebars, the CRSD rust is passive, tenacious and self-renewing.

• The protective oxide is fine textured, tightly adherent and a barrier to moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide and chloride effectively preventing further corrosion.

• Scale on normal bars of steel is coarse textured flaky oxide that does not prevent moisture or oxygen from reaching the underlying bars and continuing the corrosion.

• As corrosion resistance is in the chemistry of the grade, if the passive oxide layer gets removed somehow, a new passive layer is formed immediately.

CRSD – Mechanical Properties
PropertiesIS:1786 Fe500DCRSD
Yield Stress, YS (min, N/mm2)500500
% Elongation1616
Ultimate Tensile Strength, UTS (min, N/mm2)565580

5.0 Comparison (CPCC – FBEC – CRSD)

Thickness of Coating175 mm – 300 mm300 mm – 675 mmNo coating required
Type of Protection to rebarExtrinsicExtrinsicIntrinsic
Pre-treatmentPretreatment is required before coatingPretreatment is required before coatingNo pre-treatment required
Treatment to surfaceBefore coating the surface made little rough when some damage is introduced.Before coating the surface made little rough when some damage is introduced.The surface of the finished good is not disturbed or damaged at all.
Temperature treatmentThe whole process is done at room temperature.230°C – 400°CNo treatment required
Special Bending requirementModified mandrel diameter is specified by Indian StandardModified mandrel diameter is specified by Indian StandardSame as other TMTrebars of Fe 500D grade
Defects introducedHoliday EffectHolliday EffectNil


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