Construction Waste Problems

  • Waste material is a by-product of human and industrial activity that has no residual value.
  • Need for Comprehensive construction waste management in every site.
  • Every personnel, from the management to the operational level should work for the goal of construction waste management.

Importance of Recycling

  • Reduce the demand for new resources.
  • Cuts down the cost and effort of transport and production.
  • Use waste which would otherwise be lost to landfill sites.

Recycling Barrier

  • Lack of appropriately located recycling facilities.
  • Absence of appropriate technology.
  • Lack of awareness

Consideration for Construction Waste Recycling

When considering a recyclable material, three major areas need to be taken in to account are:

  1. Economy
  2. Compatibility with other materials
  3. Material properties

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