Construction Failures

Failure of construction is an important subject for an owner or a builder, since it involves human life and money. Structural failure may be prevented by incorporation of a proper design and use of quality materials. Workmanship is also an important factor to ensure a proper structural construction. Why Construction Fails Since humans first started…

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Structural Failure

All efforts are essential to prevent structural failure as it involves dangers to human life and property. There are numerous causes for a structural failure, and there is a requirement for a proper analysis of all the factors before construction. Reasons Structures Fail Defective construction that causes failure may be due to numerous reasons that…

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Eco-friendly Construction

Construction techniques used today should focus on protecting the environment and decreasing pollution to slow down the impact of global warming on our environment. Green building techniques are helpful in maintaining a healthier society and surroundings. Construction methods Construction is the process of creating a new building or structure by using natural and artificial resources…

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Performance of the CRCP

A provincial long-term performance program was implemented at MTQ in 1992. Its main objectives are to improve pavement life and performance as well as to optimize the use of the funds allocated to the construction and maintenance of the road network. Our will to improve our practices and the various steps taken to meet the…

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Construction of CRCP

Construction of CRCP is similar to that of other concrete pavement types. Planning and execution are crucial since errors made during these stages can be detrimental to the overall success of the project. It is important to pay special attention to certain details such as the selection and installation of the reinforcement, the carrying out…

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2.1 Design Aspects: The volume changes stresses in CRCP will be taken care by providing sufficient reinforcement to keep the cracks tightly closed while maintaining adequate pavement thickness to counteract the stresses produced by wheel loads. CRCP allows the concrete to develop very fine transverse cracks that seem to be uncontrolled and random. The spacings of transverse…

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Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Abstract β€œContinuously reinforced concrete pavement” as the title suggests this type of pavement is reinforced throughout in longitudinal direction. This type of pavement has no transverse joints unless and until there is end of pavement or the pavement comes in contact with some other pavement or bridge. A longitudinal joint exists only if the road…

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The collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers on September 11, 2001, was as sudden as it was dramatic; the complete destruction of such massive buildings shocked nearly everyone. Immediately afterward and even today, there is widespread speculation that the buildings were structurally deficient, that the steel columns melted, or that the fire suppression equipment failed…

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