Introduction It is an established fact that environment has a direct impact on the physical, mental and social well-being of those living in it. The environmental factors range from housing, water supply and sanitation, psychosocial stress and family structure through social and economic support systems, to the organization of health and social welfare services in…

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There are 5 main concepts that our students struggle with when learning about population growth and the relationship of population to geological resource use: 1.      overpopulation is a leading environmental problem, 2.      exponential population growth and development leads to faster depletion of resources, 3.      population grows exponentially, 4.      why population prediction is difficult, 5.      population is not evenly distributed throughout…

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Introduction In recent times, the environment has emerged as a major area of concern worldwide. Pollution in particular is perceived as a serious threat in the industrialized countries, where the quality of life had hitherto been measured mainly in terms of growth in material output. Meanwhile, natural resource degradation is becoming a serious impediment to…

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Development projects that displace people involuntarily generally give rise to severe economic, social, and environmental problems: production systems are dismantled; productive assets and income sources are lost; people are relocated to environments where their productive skills may be less applicable and the competition for resources greater; community structures and social networks are weakened; kin groups…

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Watershed Management

Meaning of Watershed Management: The word “watershed” introduced in 1920 was used for the “water parting boundaries”. Watershed is that land area which drains or contributes runoff to a common outlet. Watershed is defined as a geo-hydrological unit draining to a common point by a system of drains. All lands on earth are part of…

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Water conservation

Among the essential elements for the existence of life, water is rated as the most important. Water is  a universal solvent and is largely responsible for determining the structure, function and distribution of species in an ecosystem.The original source of water is precipitation from the atmosphere. Water on earth occurs in all three phases. As…

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Land Resources

Land on earth is as finite as any of our other natural resources. Scientists today believe that at least 10 percent of land and water bodies of each ecosystem must be kept as wilderness for the long term needs of protecting nature and natural resources. Soil types are red soil, black cotton soil, laterite soil,…

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Energy Resources

Energy is defined as ‘the capacity to do work’. Sun is the primary source of energy. Joule is the standard unit of energy in SI units. Energy utilization is an index of economic development, which does not take into account of ill effects/damage on to environment. From 1900 to 2000, population increased by 3 times while…

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Food Resources

Our food comes almost entirely from agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing i.e., – 76% from crop lands, 17% from range lands i.e., meat from grazing livestock and 7% – marine and fresh water i.e., fisheries. The FAO (Food & Agricultural Organization of UN) defines sustainable agriculture as the one which conserves land, water and plant…

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