Energy Flow In The Ecosystem

All the ecosystems are interrelated by different mechanisms that affect the lives of plant, animal and human beings. The commonly known mechanisms are the water cycle, the carbon cycle, the oxygen cycle, the nitrogen cycle and the energy cycle. All the ecosystems are controlled by these cycles and their abiotic and biotic features are distinct….

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Type And Structure Of Environment

VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVIRONMENT According to Kurt Lewin, environment is of three types which influence the personality of an individual as under: (a) Physical Environment, (b) Social and Cultural Environment, and (c) Psychological Environment. These may be explained as under: Physical Environment Physical environment, refers to geographical climate and weather or physical conditions wherein an…

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Concept Of Ecosystem

The German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1869 coined the word β€œEcology” combining two Greek words – oikos, meaning β€œhousehold” or β€œhome” and logos, meaning β€œstudy of” – to coin ecology, the science that deals with the study of organisms in their natural home interacting with their surroundings ie., other living organisms and physical components. Ecology examines the…

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The need of the hour is to make the public aware of the consequences of the environmental degradation, if not corrected and reformative measures undertaken, would result in the extinction of life. It is also necessary to face the various environmental challenges and to act accordingly to make the acts eco-friendly. The major challenges ahead…

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Scope And Importance

SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENT: The environment consists of four segments of the earth namely atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere: 1. Atmosphere:  The Atmosphere forms a distinctive protective layer about 100 km thick around the earth. A blanket of gases called the atmosphere surrounds the earth and protects the surface of earth from the Sun’s harmful, ultraviolet…

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Biodiversity and ecosystems

While cities only occupy two per cent of the Earth’s land surface, they draw on their hinterlands for goods and services. Waste and emissions produced by urban dwellers, moreover have an impact on ecosystems elsewhere, even at the global level. For this reasons, cities depend on so called ecosystem services – benefits that nature provides…

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Different Types Of Defects In Timber

Types of defects in timber Types of Defects in timber are grouped into the following divisions. 1. DEFECTS DUE TO CONVERSION During the process of converting timber to commercial form, the following defects may occur. Β§  Chip mark: mark or sign placed by chip on finished surface of timber Β§  Diagonal grain: Due to improper sawing of timber Β§  Torn grain: Due…

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