Practical problems to keep in mind before foundation design

                        Foundation design There are, in foundation design, a number of practical construction problems and costs to be considered. The chief ones are: 1.      The foundations should be kept as shallow as possible, commensurate with climatic effects on, and strength of, the surface soil; particularly in waterlogged ground. Excavation in seriously waterlogged ground can be expensive and…

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Design Procedures For A Building Foundation (Step By Step)

                                        Design Procedure of foundation Good design must not only be safe but must aim to save construction costs, time and materials. The following procedures should help to achieve this and an β€˜educated’ client will recognize the importance of funding this work with a realistic fee. 1. DECIDE THE LOCATION OF COLUMNS & FOUNDATION AND TYPE…

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Building the Best Foundations

Created as a base to support all kinds of structures, foundations are one of the least glamorous, yet most important components in structural civil engineering and construction. Lessons from History One of the most important collaborations in the construction industry is one that occurs between structural and geotechnical engineering when specifying foundation design. Buildings, dams,…

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Piles Foundation

Pile foundations consist of piles that are dug into the soil till a layer of stable soil is reached. Pile foundations transfer building load to the bearing ground with greater bearing capacity. Pile foundations are useful in regions with unstable upper soil that may erode, or for large buildings. History of Pile Foundations Pile foundations have been…

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Walls are built to partition living area into different parts. They impart privacy and protection against temperature, rain and theft. Walls may be classified as 1. Load bearing walls 2. Partition walls. 1. Load Bearing Walls: If beams and columns are not used, load from roof and floors are transferred to foundation by walls. Such walls…

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Black cotton soil swells during rainy season and cracks in summer due to shrinkage. These shrinkage cracks are 100 mm to 150 mm wide and 0.5 m to 2 m deep. Swelling creates upwards pressure on the structure and shrinkage creates downward pull. It results into cracks in foundations wall and roof. Hence foundation in…

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These foundations are known as deep foundations. A pile is a slender column made of wood, concrete or steel. A pile is either driven into the soil or formed in situ by excavating a hole and then filling it with concrete. A group of piles are driven to the required depth and are capped with…

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Inverted arch foundations are provided in the places where the SBC of the soil is very poor and the load of the structure is through walls. In such cases inverted arches are constructed between the walls. End walls should be sufficiently thick and strong to withstand the outward horizontal thrust due to arch action. The…

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High rise buildings are built with steel columns encased in concrete. Such columns carry very heavy load and hence they need special foundations to spread the load to a larger area of soil. Grillage foundation is one such special foundation. It consists of one tier or more tiers of I-sections steel beams.Top tier consists of less number…

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