Soil stabilization & Pavements

Technical know-how, no matter the project. Whether you are constructing a railway track-bed, gravel forestry track over soft soil, or resurfacing a multi-lane highway carrying many thousands of vehicles per day, we have the technical knowledge to improve rail track, road and asphalt pavement performance. High performance with lowered costs. Road and rail construction materials are becoming…

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Pavement Design in Road Construction

Introduction Pavement design is the major component in the road construction. Nearly one-third or one-half of the total cost of construction , so careful consideration should be taken in design of pavement. Type of pavements: Β·         Flexible pavement Β·         Rigid pavement Β·         Semi-rigid pavement Factors which affect the selection of these pavements Β·         Initial cost Β·         Availability of good materials…

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Present Serviceability Index

The present serviceability index (PSI) is based on the original AASHO Road Test PSR. Basically, the PSR was a ride quality rating that required a panel of observers to actually ride in an automobile over the pavement in question. Since this type of rating is not practical for large-scale pavement networks, a transition to a non-panel based system was needed. To…

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Pavement Distresses

Properly designed and maintained HMA pavements can provide many years of satisfactory service. However, like all pavements, HMA pavements can be damaged by certain conditions. This page is intended to: Assist in identifying basic HMA pavement damage. HMA pavement damage that is visible at the surface of the pavement is often called β€œsurface distress”. Provide some insight into…

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Rigid Pavement Response

Rigid pavements respond to loading in a variety of ways that affect performance (both initial and long-term).  The three principal responses are: Curling stress.  Differences in temperature between the top and bottom surfaces of a PCCslab will cause the slab to curl.  Since slab weight and contact with the base restrict its movement, stresses are created. Load stress. …

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The primary purpose of a road drainage system is to remove the water from the road and its surroundings. The road drainage system consists of two parts: dewatering and drainage. β€œDewatering” means the removal of rainwater from the surface of the road. β€œDrainage” on the other hand covers all the different infrastructural elements to keep…

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Factors Influencing Pavement Design

Many factors such as  number of vehicles, speed, climatic conditions and other factors affect are to be considered for the design of pavement.  In this article we will discuss about the factors  influencing pavement design. Pavements are engineered structures which are used as roads, runways, parking areas, etc. Ground or surface transportation is the most widely…

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Rigid pavement design

As the name implies, rigid pavements are rigid i.e, they do not flex much under loading like flexible pavements. They are constructed using cement concrete. In this case, the load carrying capacity is mainly due to the rigidity ad high modulus of elasticity of the slab (slab action). H. M. Westergaard is considered the pioneer…

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Planning of Rural Road

Considerable length of rural roads has been constructed under a host of rural development programmes, especially Community Development Programmes for Rural Roads, Food for Work Programme, Minimum Needs Programme (MNP), etc. An impetus was further given by allocating more funds under schemes, such as, National Rural Employment Programme (NREP), Rural Landless Employment Generation Programme (RLEGP)…

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