Air Pollution from Space

The South Eastern Mediterranean region is an atmospheric cross road where aerosols of different origins can be observed. Atmospheric pollution due to particulate matter from natural and anthropogenic sources is a continuing problem in many areas of Cyprus. Particulate matter (PM) is a major component of urban air pollution and has a significant effect on…

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Detection of Water Pipes and Leakages in Rural Water Supply Networks Using Remote Sensing Techniques.

Water leakages have been a major problem for many regions around the world (Weifeng et al. 2011). However, monitoring such leakages is a difficult task since traditional field survey methods are costly and time consuming (Huang et al. 2010). Researchers from diverse scientific fields have studied this problem through the development of several techniques including…

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Remote Sensing for Water Quality Surveillance in Inland Waters: The Case Study of Asprokremmos Dam in Cyprus

Monitoring, protecting, and improving the quality of water in lakes and reservoirs is critical for targeting conservation efforts and improving the quality of the environment (Ritchie et al., 1994; Nellis et al., 1998). The standard traditional mapping and monitoring techniques of lakes have already become too expensive compared with the information achieved for environmental use (Γ–stlund…

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Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for Sustainable Watershed Management: A Case Study from Cyprus

Due to the highly complex nature of both human and physical systems, the ability to comprehend them and model future conditions using a watershed approach has taken a geographic dimension. Satellite remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology have played a critical role in all aspects of watershed management, from assessing watershed conditions through…

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Remote Sensing for Archaeological Applications: Management, Documentation and Monitoring

Archaeology is defined as the systematic approach for uncovering the human past and its environment. Archaeology involves not only systematic excavations and surveys, but also analysis of the data collected in the field. In a broader term, archaeology is an interdisciplinary research. Modern studies in archaeology engage a series of other sciences such as geology,…

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Remote Sensing for Determining Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Demand for Annual Crops

Evapotranspiration (ETc) is the mean for exploiting irrigation water and constitutes a major component of the hydrological cycle (Telis et al., 2007; Papadavid, 2011). The ETc is a basic and crucial parameter for climate studies, weather forecasts and weather modeling, hydrological surveys, ecological monitoring and water resource management (Hoedjes et al., 2008). In the past decades,…

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