Memory management in smart home gateway

With the trend of making house-hold appliances network-enabled and the widespread use of the broadband connections to homes, Internet services are increasingly finding their way to home applications and gradually changing the traditional lifestyles. As opposed to connecting traditional computing devices such as PCs, laptops, and PDAs, the Internet is increasingly used for home appliances…

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Smart home with healthcare technologies for community-dwelling older adults

Traditional smart home (SH) technology combined with new monitoring technologies designed to prevent falls and detect health status changes is the current direction for SH development. The combination of conventional SH technology with healthcare technology is likely to be an effective approach to preventing nursing home placement for frail older adults. Barriers to adopting or…

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Aging in Place: Self-Care in Smart Home Environments

Older adults prefer living independently at home, in their familiar environment, over a longer period of time (Vermeulen, 2006). Facilitating aging in place helps increasing older adults’ quality of life. It enables actively participating in the community and maintaining social networks, increases personal security, and limits the negative effect of relocation, such as confusion, alienation…

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Applying agent-based theory to adaptive architectural environment – Example of smart skins

Motivation and Goals Establishing a sustainable environment is an important mission for research on the next generation of intelligent houses. The current living environment is full of fixed architectural elements, or reactive elements that merely possess a “perception οΌ reaction” function. These elements are hard to respond to a changing and complex environment by judging and assessing…

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Selected Home Automation and Home Security Realizations: An Improved Architecture

Home automation activities are becoming increasingly important nowadays in providing more comfort and security for the home residents. Reports are available in the past concerning the development of devices and units needed for implementing the smart home (two websites, 2009; Jorge Caleira Nunes et al, 2004; Renato Nunes, 2003 and Balasubramanian and Cellatoglu, 2008). Each…

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Smart Home Systems

The pervasive computing area has recently gained major importance from both industry and academia and is changing the way we interact with our environment [1]. This computing domain emphasizes the use of small, intelligent and communicating daily life objects to interact with the computing infrastructure. These devices tend to blend in their environment. This is…

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