Chemical composition

Besides the difference in grain size, the chemical composition of soil can also be helpful in distinguishing between various types of soils. Sand and gravel usually consist of the same minerals as the original rock from which they were created by the erosion process. This can be quartz, feldspar or glimmer. In Western Europe sand…

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Grain size Soils are usually distinguished into various types. In many cases these various types also have different mechanical properties. A simple subdivision of soils is on the basis of the grain size of the particles that constitute the soil. Coarse granular material is often denoted as gravel and finer material as sand. In order…

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Why Soil Mechanics ?

Soil mechanics has become a distinct and separate branch of engineering mechanics because soils have a number of special properties, which distinguish the material from other materials. Its development has also been stimulated, of course, by the wide range of applications of soil engineering in civil engineering, as all structures require a sound foundation and…

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Soil mechanics is the science of equilibrium and motion of soil bodies. Here soil is understood to be the weathered material in the upper layers of the earth’s crust. The non-weathered material in this crust is denoted as rock, and its mechanics is the discipline of rock mechanics. In general the difference between soil and…

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