Gravity Wall Reinforcement

Gravity walls can be helped by reinforcement of the wall itself during its building or even by the use of anchor bolts, geotechnical material in the earth or material being retained, and gabions among other means. Gravity Retaining Wall Basics                 It is sometimes necessary to maintain level differences in adjacent areas of a project so…

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Graphical Information Systems and Road Traffic Management

Roads are key channels in a modern society’s substructure, lending a great deal to the allocation of goods, funds, and individuals. Application of GIS in road traffic management renders many useful functions for assuring an efficient flow in the traffic systems of a country. Introduction                                                                     Graphical Information Systems, or GIS, represent the modern entry of…

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What are Beam Bridges?

Simple beam bridges may use wood beams, but modern beam bridges use light and strong materials. Construction of a multi-beam bridge involves the use of a bridge crane, beam clamp for holding, and other tools. Bridge load rating is done to determine the loads that can be safely carried. What is a Bridge? A bridge…

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Beam Bridges

Beam bridges, also known as girder bridges, are one of the oldest and most common types of human construction. They are supported by land structures like river banks or by piers at both ends. Box girders or trusses may be used to strengthen the beam. Highway overpasses are normally beam bridges. The History of Beam…

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Geometric Design of Highways and Roadways

Geometric design of highways and roadways refers to road engineering design features, notably horizontal and vertical alignment. Its main purpose is to provide safe and smooth traffic operations. The geometric design of roadways and highways is heavily influenced by the speed of the vehicle. Geometric Design of Highways and Roadways Starting out, it’s best to…

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Multi-Stage Flash Distillation for Desalination

This is an article on multi-stage flash distillation where we will look at what is multi-stage flash distillation. Distillation has evolved from the old steam coil vacuum evaporators, to today’s modern reverse osmosis and multi-flash distillation plants that are used for desalination of seawater. Introduction to Multi-Stage Flash Distillation for Desalination Many years ago when…

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Trenchless Water Pipe Repair

Underground space is very important for the smooth functioning of society as this is where the pipelines, utilities, waste disposal systems, etc., are located. Trenchless technology allows this space to be used without disrupting the surface. The Need for Trenchless Techniques Utilities required for modern day living need to be laid out in a planned…

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Types of Bridges

Bridges have been used since ancient history though the technique of binding logs has been replaced by modern materials shaped into well-designed structures to resist applied loads. Here are the different types of bridges that exist in the world today History Of Bridges                                                                                 Different types of bridges have been constructed since ancient times. These bridges were simple…

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Characteristics of Beam Bridges

A beam bridge is designed by the modern design techniques and the construction involves a thorough soil analysis, followed by the selection of bridge materials that can endure the bridge loads. Beam Bridge Basics                                                   Beam bridges are a common type of bridge among the truss bridges and the arch bridges. Wide flange rolledform beam bridges are normally…

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