Waste Processing Techniques

In this section of Solid waste management we will discuss the technologies used for treatment of solid waste to recover some valuable products. But before treatment of waste; it should be processed as per the desired technology. Waste Processing Waste processing means the physical alteration in waste to make it best suited for technology adopted…

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What are the main objectives of waste management?

The main objectives of waste management are: 1.      for the protection of environment through effective waste management techniques. 2.      to protect health, wellbeing and environment. 3.      to prevent pollution. 4.      to reduce and reuse of waste. 5.      safe disposal of waste. 6.      to minimize the production of waste. 7.      to create awareness among the people about the impact of waste. 8.      to maintain sustainable…

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What Is a Waste Transfer Station?

A waste transfer station is a light industrial facility where municipal solid waste is temporarily staged in the course of its eventual journey to the landfill or waste-to-energy facility. Typical activities at the waste transfer station involved the unloading of garbage trucks, pre-screening, and removal of inappropriate items such as automobile batteries, compacting, and then reloading onto larger vehicles,…

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A transfer station is a building or processing site for the temporary deposition of waste. Transfer stations are often used as places where local waste collection vehicles will deposit their waste cargo prior to loading into larger vehicles. Typical activities at the waste transfer station involved the unloading of garbage trucks, pre-screening and removal of inappropriate items such as automobile batteries, compacting and then…

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Waste Collection Vehicle

A waste collection vehicle is more generally known as garbage truck and dustbin lorry. These trucks are used for picking up waste and then moving it to landfills or other places where waste materials are managed and treated. You can have their view mostly in Urban areas. Most of the time Garbage cart is mistaken…

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Solid Waste Routing

An overview of the rules and strategies used for improving efficiency in solid waste collection. Bob Roberts In today’s struggling economy we are all forced to look at ways to reduce expenses. This applies to private and public operations equally. For the private operation, priorities are placed on maintaining profitsβ€”a difficult task in a competitive…

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Solid Waste Collection

Objective(s): To describe the tasks and logistics of MSW collection, to analyze collection systems, and to become familiar with the principals and theory behind the use of transfer stations Goals: Understand problems and concerns associated with MSW collection. Compare and contrast privately and publicly operated systems. Understand the types of collection systems To identify the benefits…

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Waste storage containers

The third stage of the waste management chain (Figure 9.1) begins when a householder or business employee puts their waste in a container. The choice of container will depend on several factors, including the wealth of the household and the amount of waste to be collected. It will also depend on the collection system –…

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Construction Waste Problems

Waste material is a by-product of human and industrial activity that has no residual value. Need for Comprehensive construction waste management in every site. Every personnel, from the management to the operational level should work for the goal of construction waste management. Importance of Recycling Reduce the demand for new resources. Cuts down the cost and effort…

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