Construction Wastes

construction waste is defined as fairly clean, heterogenous building materials which are produced from the various construction activities, as per Tchobanoglous et al., 1993. Construction, renovation and demolition activities lead to the formation of waste. The construction waste poses great danger to environment. This has put construction industries under pressure to consider suitable methods to protect the…

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What is Waste Segregation?

What is Waste Segregation? Segregation of our waste is essential as the amount of waste being generated today caused immense problem. There are certain items are not Bio Degradable but can be reused or recycled in fact it is believed that a larger portion of the waste can be recycled, a part of can be…

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Onsite handling, storage and processing

Figure 1: Waste basket provided by the local Guides Association at a Lake Tana monastery. Onsite means these functions are concerned with solid waste at the place where the waste is generated. For residential waste this means at home in the household. Onsite handling is the very first step in waste management. It involves individual family…

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Tips to Reduce Waste

Β·         Take reusable bags to the store when shopping Β·         Reduce or eliminate the use of paper plates and cups Β·         Store leftover foods in reusable containers instead of single use plastic bags or Polystyrene foam containers Β·         Reduce or minimize use of plastic bags and Polystyrene foam Β·         Donate unwanted, slightly used clothing, furniture and other household items to…

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Sustainable Materials Management: Non-Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Hierarchy

EPA developed the non-hazardous materials and waste management hierarchy in recognition that no single waste management approach is suitable for managing all materials and waste streams in all circumstances. The hierarchy ranks the various management strategies from most to least environmentally preferred. The hierarchy places emphasis on reducing, reusing, and recycling as key to sustainable…

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Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) PPPs

While municipalities are generally responsible for solid waste services, the private sector has long been involved in the municipal solid waste sector through outsourcing arrangements and informally through waste picking and sorting. Recent trends in involvement of the private sector in the municipal solid waste sector in developing countries are partly driven by more stringent…

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What role does PR play for NGOs?

It’s a fact that PR plays a vital role in efficient management of NGOs. Many NGOs are coming up with their own PR strategies, even appointing high-profile celebs – to attract social attention and funds. The importance of Public Relations in NGO management is now accepted worldwide. Foundations and charities are using sophisticated PR campaigns…

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Solid Waste Management Rules 2016

Solid Waste With the ever increasing population and urbanization, the waste management has emerged as a huge challenge in the country. Not only the waste has increased in quantity, but the characteristics of waste have also changed tremendously over a period, with the introduction of so many new gadgets and equipment. It is estimated that…

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