Do I need Enzymes or Bacteria for my Septic Tank?

A septic tank is an enclosed container manufactured from concrete, fiberglass or plastic and is buried in the yard. Sewage and greywater from the house flow through sewer pipes into the tank where bacteria break down raw sewage into sludge and water, the water outflowing into a gravel soakaway. Introduction Septic tanks are used to…

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What are Urban Heat Islands?

Heat islands are parts of the urban landscape where there is a steep temperature variation between that area and cooler surrounding areas. There can be a temperature variation as much as ten degrees. Introduction: We all know that the population of the planet Earth is increasing exponentially. Along with that population increase will be a…

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Rehabilitation of Old Structures

Structures become dilapidated due to old age just like an ordinary human being. The reasons have to be studied properly and solutions arrived at, and only a qualified and experienced engineer can plan the work. Rehabilitation of Older Existing Structures The human body becomes deteriorated upon ageing. To a certain extent, the problem can be…

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The Basics of Light Pipes and Daylighting

Light pipes have the advantage of providing natural light and of saving energy. The transmitted light varies over the day and can be used with artificial light to have a constant illuminating level. Such lighting methods are also being used for underground structures which have no access to light. The Importance of Natural Light and…

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What Is Building Science?

Building Science is all about other sciences involved in the construction of buildings and other structures. A brief idea of what Building Sciences are all about and how other sciences are involved are illustrated in this article. Introduction to Building Science Civil engineering is the main branch of engineering that is concerned with the construction…

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Mineral Spirits Use

Mineral spirits are excellent materials that are widely being used as paint thinners and as a substitute for turpentine. The turpentine chemical formula is not much different from mineral spirits. However, mineral spirits is more popular being both more economical and more effective. What Is Mineral Spirits Mineral spirits consists of a purified petroleum distillate…

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How To Handle Hydroplaning

Vehicle control during hydroplaning requires special techniques that are different from normal driving on the road. The brakes should not be applied when hydroplaning; otherwise the vehicle may be imbalanced. Steering input should be smooth. Otherwise, control can be completely lost. What Is Hydroplaning Hydroplaning occurs when there is too much water on the surface…

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Exterior Doors for Entry

There are several kinds of door styles and materials that are being used for modern houses. The door selection is influenced by the type and style of building where they will be fitted. The major door materials are wood, fiberglass, and steel. However, the external door has a special significance. Door Basics The original doors…

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Population Dynamics in Planning for Infrastructure Needs

Planning for the construction of infrastructure systems is heavily dependent on population trends and population dynamics. As world-wide funding for these construction projects reaches into the trillions of dollars, better predictive indicators are needed. Infrastructure Projects And Funding Infrastructure, the fundamental organizational systems required for the success of developed civilizations, takes time and funding to construct and…

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