It is a light weight concrete produced by introducing large voids in the concrete or mortar. Its density varies from 3 kN/m3 to 8 kN/m3 whereas plain concrete density is 24 kN/m3. It is also known as aerated,foamed or gas concrete.Properties of cellular concrete: It has the following properties: 1. It has low weight.                                        2. It has good fire resistance. 3. It…

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Classification of Timber

Various bases are considered for the classification of timbers. The following are the important basis: (i) Mode of growth (ii) Modulus of elasticity (iii) Durability (iv) Grading (v) Availability. (i) Classification Based on Mode of Growth: On the basis of mode of growth trees are classified as (a) Exogeneous and (b) Endogeneous (a) Exogeneous Trees: These trees grow outward by…

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Water supply system

Water supply system, infrastructure for the collection, transmission, treatment, storage, and distribution of water for homes, commercial establishments, industry, and irrigation, as well as for such public needs as firefighting and street flushing. Of all municipal services, provision of potable water is perhaps the most vital. People depend on water for drinking, cooking, washing, carrying away wastes, and other domestic needs. Water supply systems…

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Uses of Bricks

Bricks are used in the following civil works: (i) As building blocks. (ii) For lining of ovens, furnaces and chimneys. (iii) For protecting steel columns from fire. (iv) As aggregates in providing water proofing to R.C.C. roofs. (v) For pavers for footpaths and cycle tracks. (vi) For lining sewer lines.

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Desirable Properties of Road Aggregates

Aggregates form the major portion of the pavement structure. Bear stresses occurring on the roads and have to resist wear due to abrasive action of traffic. Aggregates are also used in flexible as well as in rigid pavements. Therefore, the properties of aggregates are of considerable importance to highway. Desirable Properties of Road Aggregates Strength…

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Schmertmann (1978)

Schmertmann (1978) proposed the soil profiling chart shown in Fig. 2.4A. The chart is based on results from mechanical cone data in “North Central Florida” and also incorporates Begemann’s CPT data. The chart indicates envelopes of zones of common soil type. It also presents boundaries for density of sands and consistency (undrained shear strength) of…

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For the description of the density and the volumetric weight of a soil, the densities of the various components are needed. The density of a substance is the mass per unit volume of that substance. For water this is denoted by ρw, and its value is about 1000 kg/m3 . Small deviations from this value…

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