Influence Lines for Multispan Hinged Beams

For construction of influence lines of reactions and internal forces for statically determinate multispan beams the following steps are recommended: Step 1. The entire multispan hinged beam should be presented in the interaction diagram form. This helps to classify each element of the structure as primary or secondary beams, and visualize the load path from the…

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What Is Building Science?

Building Science is all about other sciences involved in the construction of buildings and other structures. A brief idea of what Building Sciences are all about and how other sciences are involved are illustrated in this article. Introduction to Building Science Civil engineering is the main branch of engineering that is concerned with the construction…

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It is reported that in USA fire kills more people each year than all other natural disasters combined including floors, cyclones and earthquake. The fire load in a building should be kept to the minimum possible. The term fire load indicates the amount of heat liberated in kilo joules per square metre (kJ/m2) of floor…

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Kinematical Analysis of Structures

Kinematical analysis of a structure is necessary for evaluation of ability of the structure to resist external load. Kinematical analysis is based on the concept of rigid disc, which is an unchangeable (or rigid) part of a structure. Rigid discs may be separate members of a structure, such as straight members, curvilinear, polygonal (Fig. 1.1),…

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Neat and Square

  This is the right way to dig a hole children’s story is Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. About this there can be no debate. It was my favorite story growing up, and it remains pertinent to my work today. You dads and moms can get a copy here: Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne You’re welcome….

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Bituminous Surface Treatments

Bituminous surface treatments (BST) refer to a range of techniques that can be used to create a stand-alone drivable surface on a low volume road, or rehabilitate an existing pavement. Usually, the term is used to describe a seal coat or chip seal, which is constructed by spraying a layer of emulsified asphalt, and placing a layer of aggregate on top….

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Brief Survey of Soil Profiling Methods

Begemann (1965) Begemann (1965) pioneered soil profiling from the CPT, showing that, while coarse-grained soils generally demonstrate larger values of cone stress, qc, and sleeve friction, fs, as opposed to fine-grained soils, the soil type is not a strict function of either cone stress or sleeve friction, but of the combination of the these values….

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