The Design of Highway Intersections

Introduction A highway intersection is required to control conflicting and merging streams of traffic so that delay is minimised. This is achieved through choice of geometric parameters that control and regulate the vehicle paths through the intersection. These determine priority so that all movements take place with safety. The three main types of junction dealt…

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Bridge Construction

Bridge construction has been improved tremendously with the advancement in science and technology. Better and lighter materials are now available that can endure greater loads. The construction is now much faster due to the introduction of a variety of heavy construction equipment. Bridge Construction Planning                         Bridge construction tends to involve huge projects that encompass the…

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Darcy’s Law

Hydrostatics As already mentioned in earlier chapters, the stress distribution in groundwater at rest follows the rules of hydrostatics. More precise it can be stated that in the absence of flow the stresses in the fluid in a porous medium must satisfy the equations of equilibrium in the form Here it has been assumed that…

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Effective stress

On an element of soil normal stresses as well as shear stresses may act. The simplest case, however, is the case of an isotropic normal stress, see Figure 4.4. It is assumed that the magnitude of this stress, acting in all directions, is σ. In the interior of the soil, for instance at a cross…

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Traffic Congestion Solutions for Urban Areas

Urbanization has rapidly increased the pressure on cities to meet the transportation needs of their residents. Traffic congestion is a growing challenge for urban areas, causing delays, economic losses, environmental damage, and frustration among commuters. Addressing this issue requires a combination of innovative solutions, policy measures, and infrastructure development. This article explores the most effective…

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Types Of Forces On A Body

Before taking up equilibrium conditions of a body, it is necessary to identify the various forces acting on it. The various forces acting on a body may be grouped into: (a) Applied Forces (b) Non-applied Forces (a) Applied Forces These are the forces applied externally to a body. Each of the forces is having contact…

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Membrane structure

Membrane structure, Structure with a thin, flexible surface (membrane) that carries loads primarily through tensile stresses. There are two main types: tent structures and pneumatic structures. The Denver International Airport (1995) features a terminal building roofed by a white membrane stretched from steel masts. Another such structure is London’s The O2 (formerly Millennium Dome), which has a tensioned membrane structure with…

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The birth of the modern road

The master road builders In Europe, gradual technological improvements in the 17th and 18th centuries saw increased commercial travel, improved vehicles, and the breeding of better horses. These factors created an incessant demand for better roads, and supply and invention both rose to meet that demand. In 1585 the Italian engineer Guido Toglietta wrote a thoughtful treatise on a…

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