What is Pavement in Civil engineering ?

Pavement engineering is a branch of civil engineering that uses engineering techniques to design and maintain flexible (asphalt) and rigid (concrete) pavements. This includes streets and highways and involves knowledge of soils, hydraulics, and material properties. Pavement engineering involves new construction as well as rehabilitation and maintenance of existing pavements. Maintenance often involves using engineering judgment to make maintenance repairs…

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Ancient roads of South and East Asia

India The Indus civilization in Sindh, Balochistān, and the Punjab probably flourished in the period 3250–2750 BC. Excavations indicate that the cities of this civilization paved their major streets with burned bricks cemented with bitumen. Great attention was devoted to drainage. The houses had drainpipes that carried the water to a street drain in the centre of the street,…

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Site Engineer’s Check List For Quality Brickwork

Brickwork check list for site engineers                                                  Quality of brickwork While on site, a site engineer must ensure that the brickwork is going on as per quality requirements. Some of the general requirements of quality of brickwork are mentioned below. Use this as a checklist while executing brickwork. 1.      The thickness of joint in brick masonry should…

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Structural Testing

Computer models are useful in structural analysis, but are no substitute for laboratory testing. An important facet of structural testing and design, field and laboratory evaluation of engineering materials provides invaluable design and forensic information for structural engineers. The Need For Structural Testing In this age of computer modeling and analysis one might begin to think that structural testing…

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Environment, the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival. The Earth’s environment is treated in a number of articles. The major components of the physical environment are discussed in the articles atmosphere, climate, continental landform, hydrosphere, and ocean. The relationship between the principal systems and components of the environment,…

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Black cotton soil swells during rainy season and cracks in summer due to shrinkage. These shrinkage cracks are 100 mm to 150 mm wide and 0.5 m to 2 m deep. Swelling creates upwards pressure on the structure and shrinkage creates downward pull. It results into cracks in foundations wall and roof. Hence foundation in…

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How are Roads Built Over Swamps?

Construction of roads over swamps require special attention. Either the soil has to be removed or otherwise,it has to be strengthened by suitable means after ascertaining the properties of the soil. Building Roads Over Swamps Building roads in challenging terrain and swamps or bogs requires special attention compared to construction in ordinary soil. Swampy or marshy lands…

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Fluid Planning: A Meaningless Concept or a Rational Response to Uncertainty in Urban Planning?

Many contemporary writers have developed and elaborated upon various fluid metaphors to capture aspects of contemporary social life (Urry, 2000). Flows and fluidity are some of the catchwords in social, cultural, and urban thinking that is used as building blocks in theorizing contemporary trends with a focus on process, connectivity, and mobility at the expense…

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Construction Equipment

Introduction to construction equipment’s Types of earth moving equipment Classified into following types ·         Production equipment ·         Equipment used for digging and moving ·         Service equipment ·         Dozers and motor girders Tractors Tractors are machine which change the engine energy into tractive energy These are primarily used for pull or push the loads They are also used for different…

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