So You Want To Build a Post And Lintel Structure (Series Part 2)

Commonly seen as a load bearing header over windows and doors, the deceptively simple post and lintel system can require non-trivial design analysis. While span limited due mainly to strength limitations in the lintel materials, this trabeated system has many other applications. The Simplest Form                                                                         In the simplest form, post and lintel structures consist of two vertical…

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Solid Waste Management Rules 2016

Solid Waste With the ever increasing population and urbanization, the waste management has emerged as a huge challenge in the country. Not only the waste has increased in quantity, but the characteristics of waste have also changed tremendously over a period, with the introduction of so many new gadgets and equipment. It is estimated that…

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Particles, Water, Air

Porosity Soils usually consist of particles, water and air. In order to describe a soil various parameters are used to describe the distribution of these three components, and their relative contribution to the volume of a soil. These are also useful to determine other parameters, such as the weight of the soil. They are defined…

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Building the Brooklyn Bridge

It was stated to in 1867 that the building of the Brooklyn Bridge would create not only the greatest bridge at that time, but also the greatest example of engineering of that age on the continent! For the tourists of today, a stroll down under the Brooklyn Bridge to a restaurant is on their agenda….

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A concrete floor under water

As a first example a concrete floor of an excavation is considered. Such structures are often used as foundations of basements, or as the pavement of the access road of a tunnel. One of the functions of the concrete plate is to give additional weight to the soil, so that it will not float. Care…

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Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) PPPs

While municipalities are generally responsible for solid waste services, the private sector has long been involved in the municipal solid waste sector through outsourcing arrangements and informally through waste picking and sorting. Recent trends in involvement of the private sector in the municipal solid waste sector in developing countries are partly driven by more stringent…

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Urban Tunnelling

Imagine the challenges of building a tunnel in an urban setting – for example, to construct a metro system in a big city such as London, New York, or Montreal. Civil engineers design, develop and build different types of structures. The increasing need for rapid and effective ways to move people and goods has led…

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All buildings should be properly planned, keeping in view the various requirements of a good building. Except strength requirement, all other requirements of a good buildings are taken care at the stage of planning. Strength requirement is taken care during structural design of building components. However in planning the building by-laws of the statutory authorities…

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