Major/minor priority intersections

Introduction A priority intersection occurs between two roads, one termed the ‘major’ road and the other the ‘minor’ road. The major road is the one assigned a permanent priority of traffic movement over that of the minor road. The minor road must give priority to the major road with traffic from it only entering the…

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Effects of Poor Solid Waste Management

Due to improper waste disposal systems particularly by municipal waste management teams, wastes heap up and become a problem. People clean their homes and places of work and litter their surroundings which affects the environment and the community. This type of dumping of waste materials forces biodegradable materials to rot and decompose under improper, unhygienic and uncontrolled…

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The earth is an oblate spheroid, length of equatorial axis being 12756.75 km and polar axis being 12713.80 km. Since the difference between these two axes and irregularities on the earth surface are very small (Note. Height of Mount Everest is 8.79 km) compared to these two axes, the earth may be treated as a…

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Darcy’s Law for Modeling Groundwater Flow

Modeling of groundwater flow is important for a variety of applications, such as groundwater flow from an aquifer through wells for water supply or irrigation, and remediation of groundwater contamination. A primary tool for groundwater modeling is Darcy’s Law, the subject of this article. Introduction Darcy’s Law is an empirical relationship for liquid flow through a porous medium….

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Selected Home Automation and Home Security Realizations: An Improved Architecture

Home automation activities are becoming increasingly important nowadays in providing more comfort and security for the home residents. Reports are available in the past concerning the development of devices and units needed for implementing the smart home (two websites, 2009; Jorge Caleira Nunes et al, 2004; Renato Nunes, 2003 and Balasubramanian and Cellatoglu, 2008). Each…

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Environmental assessment

Any economic evaluation for a highway project must be viewed alongside its environmental and social consequences. This area of evaluation takes place within the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the proposal. Within the US, EIA was brought into federal law under the National Environmental Policy Act 1969 which required an environmental assessment to be carried…

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Distance Adjustment

To eliminate or minimize the systematic errors of taping, it is necessary to adjust each measured bay to its final horizontal equivalent as follows. Standardization During a period of use, a tape will gradually alter in length for a variety of reasons. The amount of change can be found by having the tape standardized at…

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