Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection

Criteria for Selection of Land fill Site Landfill site for solid wastes should be selected on following criteria: ·         Land area and volume should be sufficient enough to provide landfill capacity so that the projected need can be fulfilled for several years. In this way the cost coming on all that procedure can be justified. ·         The…

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Expansion Joints

Expansion joints are utilized for various vital architectural structures that particularly have a need of these joints. Buildings particularly high rise are exposed to various factors like weather, velocity, seismic activity, etc. An expansion joint is an assembly that is designed to absorb safely expansion and contraction of different construction materials caused by heat. These…

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Comparison between the Eslami-Fellenius and Robertson (1990) Methods

To provide a direct comparison between the Robertson (1990) profiling chart and the Eslami-Fellenius chart, three short series of CPTU data were compiled from sites with very different geologic origin where the soil profiles had been established independently of the CPTU. The borehole information provides soil description and water content of recovered samples. For one…

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The Wembley Stadium Arch

Completed in 2007, the Wembley Stadium in London was not only built to welcome 1.5 million football and rugby fans each year, but it is also the UK’s leading venue for music concerts. The landmark feature that will inspire all of these visitors is the arch that sits above the north stand. Wembley Stadium is…

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Gross domestic product

Gross domestic product (GDP), total market value of the goods and services produced by a country’s economy during a specified period of time. It includes all final goods and services—that is, those that are produced by the economic agents located in that country regardless of their ownership and that are not resold in any form….

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A new method can substantially enhance the conversion of CO2 into concrete

CarbonCure Technologies, a Canadian carbon-tech company, makes a cement-like material from CO2 that reduces the carbon footprint of concrete. The company had set a goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, a decade earlier than the global commitments for the Paris Climate Agreement.  CarbonCure is, among 86 large and small companies which are promising to…

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Tension and Compression, the Yin and Yang of Structural Engineering

A continuing series of articles on fundamental structural engineering analyses. In this article the tensile and compressive stress in structural elements is examined. Since this determination is usually not trivial, computational tools and models provide invaluable analytical insight. Tension and Compression                                            Taoist Balance A previous article introduced the moment of force as a useful engineering…

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Rumble Strips and Centerline Rumble Strips

Rumble strips whether used on edges or centerline of roads are considered a road safety feature as the vibration and rumbling that they produce help to alert drivers who are inattentive. Rumble Strips as Safety Devices Rumble strips and centerline rumble strips are being used to reduce accidents and warn inattentive drivers. Rumble strips can even be laid across…

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