Air pollution occurs due to the presence of undesirable solid or gaseous particles in the air in quantities that are harmful to human health and environment. It can be defined as presence of foreign matter either gaseous or particulate or combination of both in the air which is detrimental to the health and welfare of…

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Integrated Use of Space, Geophysical and Hyperspectral Technologies

The problem of water leakages Water is a daily necessary resource for life, health, economic development and the ecosystem all over the world. As water is precious to everyone, its availability and quality are essential. Climate change, droughts, water shortages and population growth are increasing the strain on existing water resources, thereby increasing the necessity…

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Effects of Poor Solid Waste Management

Due to improper waste disposal systems particularly by municipal waste management teams, wastes heap up and become a problem. People clean their homes and places of work and litter their surroundings which affects the environment and the community. This type of dumping of waste materials forces biodegradable materials to rot and decompose under improper, unhygienic and uncontrolled…

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Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement

(i) Chemical properties: Portland cement consists of the following chemical compounds: (a) Tricalcium silicate 3 CaO.SiO2 (C3S) 40% (b) Dicalcium silicate 2CaO.SiO2 (C2S) 30% (c) Tricalcium aluminate 3CaO.Al2O3 (C3A) 11% (d) Tetracalcium aluminate 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 (C3AF) 11% There may be small quantities of impurities present such as calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO). When water is added to cement, C3A is the first…

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The Momentum Equation

Development We consider again a general stream tube: Application – Fluid Striking a Flat Surface Consider the jet of fluid striking the surface as shown: Application – Flow around a bend in a pipe Consider the flow around the bend shown below. We neglect changes in elevation and consider the control volume as the fluid…

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Origins of agriculture

Origins of agriculture, the active production of useful plants or animals in ecosystems that have been created by people. Agriculture has often been conceptualized narrowly, in terms of specific combinations of activities and organisms—wet-rice production in Asia, wheat farming in Europe, cattle ranching in the Americas, and the like—but a more holistic perspective holds that humans are environmental engineers who disrupt terrestrial habitats in specific ways. Anthropogenic disruptions such as clearing…

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Tests on Bricks

The following laboratory tests may be conducted on the bricks to find their suitability: (i) Crushing strength                      (ii) Absorption (iii) Shape and size and (iv) Efflorescence. (i) Crushing Strength: The brick specimen are immersed in water for 24 hours. The frog of the brick is filled flush with 1:3 cement mortar and the specimen is stored…

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Solar Foundation Risk Assessment and Mitigation

 Recovering value and performance by addressing foundation failure vulnerability   For commercial and utility scale facilities, the comparative costs of various degrees of foundation risk abatement can be thought of in the following terms: ·         The incremental cost of experienced geotechnical site assessment, foundation design and early project involvement is thousands of dollars. ·         The cost of…

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