Development Of Surfaces

Step I: Draw the projections of the given solid in the uncut condition using thin lines. Step II: Draw the cutting plane as a line in the front or top view depending upon whether it is perpendicular to the VP or the HP. If the cut is a cylindrical or prismatic hole, it will be drawn as…

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Roads in the age of the automobile

Beginning in the 1840s, the rapid development of railroads brought the construction of lightweight Trésaguet-McAdam roads to a virtual halt. For the next 60 years, road improvements were essentially confined to city streets or to feeder roads to railheads. Other rural roads became impassable in wet weather. The initial stimulus for a renewal of road…

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What Does an Architect Do?

An architect is a trained professional who deals with planning and designing of of any construction process. Introduction Architecture is a process, profession, or documentation for the purpose of designing and constructing buildings. An architect is a professional who plans, designs and reviews the construction, adaptation, and establishment of buildings and land with reference to functional and…

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Roads and highways

Roads and highways, traveled way on which people, animals, or wheeled vehicles move. In modern usage the term road describes a rural, lesser traveled way, while the word street denotes an urban roadway. Highway refers to a major rural traveled way; more recently it has been used for a road, in either a rural or urban area, where points of entrance and…

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Tips to Reduce Waste

·         Take reusable bags to the store when shopping ·         Reduce or eliminate the use of paper plates and cups ·         Store leftover foods in reusable containers instead of single use plastic bags or Polystyrene foam containers ·         Reduce or minimize use of plastic bags and Polystyrene foam ·         Donate unwanted, slightly used clothing, furniture and other household items to…

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Major/minor priority intersections

Introduction A priority intersection occurs between two roads, one termed the ‘major’ road and the other the ‘minor’ road. The major road is the one assigned a permanent priority of traffic movement over that of the minor road. The minor road must give priority to the major road with traffic from it only entering the…

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7 Inappropriate and Out of Context Architecture Designs

Experiencing and exploring well-designed and aesthetically pleasing buildings is one of life’s little pleasures. But there are times when architects take things a bit too far. Far from enriching the lives of those who use it, some architectural decisions can feel a little out of context or downright inappropriate. Bearing that in mind, here are 7 examples of “interesting” architectural design…

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When Stress Is Good: Pre- and Post-Tensioned Concrete

Portland cement concrete is a strong, dependable, and relatively inexpensive construction material. Until it is stressed under tension, that is. Then it typically exhibits only about 15% of its equivalent compressive strength, which can spell catastrophe for structural applications. Portland cement concrete, usually just referred to as concrete, is an impressive building material. The first…

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