Full-Wave Ground Motion Forecast for Southern California

The damages and loses caused by earthquakes are increased as urbanization increased in past decades. However, scientists currently cannot predict the time, location and magnitude of an earthquake accurately. Currently, the earthquake predictions are not yet reliable, so long-term probabilistic earthquake hazard analysis and rapid post-earthquake early warning are two alternative solutions to reduce potential…

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A Cognitive Look at Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering: Understanding the Multidimensionality of the Phenomena.

Essentially, disasters are human-made. For a catastrophic event, whether precipitated by natural phenomena or human activities, assumes the state of a disaster when the community or society affected fails to cope. Earthquake hazards themselves do not necessarily lead to disasters, however intense, inevitable or unpredictable, translate to disasters only to the extent that the population…

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Assessment of Seismic Hazard of Territory

The new complex method of seismic hazard assessment that resulted in creation of the probabilistic maps of seismic microzonation is presented in this chapter. To study seismicity and analyze seismic hazard of the territory the following databases are formed: macroseismic, seismologic databases and the database of possible seismic source zones (or potential seismic sources –…

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Responding to Rock Fall Risk on Public Roadways

Construction of highways and railways is challenging around mountains and steep slopes. Each require special study by geologists and geotechnical engineers. Through geotechnical analysis, slopes are identified that are critical and require special protection. The “Rockfall Hazard Rating System” for the Federal Highway Administration was introduced by the Oregon State Highway Division. It is used to…

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What is Earthquake Engineering?

Earthquake construction is an important discipline that contributes to minimizing damage by using pile foundations, base isolation, and other techniques. Evaluation of soil conditions is also important. What Is Earthquake Construction? Earthquake construction ensures that structures resist earthquake shocks by the integration of seismic designs throughout their expected life, in conformity with the building codes…

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How To Protect Masonry During Construction?

Protection Of Masonry During Construction It is necessary to protect masonry during construction when the mortar is green or when masonry has not been laterally supported, against damage due to rain, frost, storm, etc. It is also necessary to protect some vulnerable parts of masonry such as jambs, corners and sills and expose masonry, during…

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How Beam Column Joints Resists Earthquakes?

In RC buildings, portions of columns that are common to beams at their intersections are called beam-column joints (Figure 1). Since their constituent materials have limited strengths, the joints have limited force carrying capacity. When forces larger than these are applied during earthquakes, joints are severely damaged. Repairing damaged joints is difficult, and so damage…

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Quality Control Checklist For Excavation Work

Earth Excavation Checklist                                         excavation checklist The following checklist should be used as a guide for better quality control over earth excavation. (1) Prior to the start of excavation operations, take photographs of the construction area, make sure that sufficient cross—sections are taken, and continue to take progress photographs during construction. (2) Review the log of…

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Scaffolds & Ladders – Safety At Construction

Scaffolds and ladders 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.      Where work cannot safely be done on or from the ground or from part of a building or other permanent structure, a safe and suitable scaffold should be provided and maintained or other equally safe and suitable provision should be made. 2.      Scaffolds should be provided with safe means of access,…

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