Conserving Water with Agricultural Hydrogels

Agricultural hydrogels are synthetic polymers generally made from petroleum products. They absorb many times their weight in water, and can be distributed into dry regions in order to improve the soil’s ability to absorb water. Learn how they’re made and how they can be used. Agricultural hydrogels can change the physical properties of soils by…

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The Science Behind Skyscrapers: How They Defy Gravity

Skyscrapers seem to defy gravity, towering hundreds or even thousands of feet into the sky. But have you ever wondered how they don’t collapse under their own weight? The answer lies in a combination of engineering genius, cutting-edge materials, and physics. From their deep foundations to their flexible structures, skyscrapers are designed to resist gravity,…

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Plastic bricks could protect Indian homes from monsoon

Bricks made from soft plastic waste that can each withstand six tonnes of pressure and relentless rain could replace the clay bricks currently used to build rural homes in monsoon-prone countries such as India. Clay is susceptible to rain, and many homes in India can be badly damaged during the monsoon season, as clay bricks are washed away….

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Lead poisoning

Lead poisoning, also called plumbism, deleterious effect of a gradual accumulation of lead in body tissues, as a result of repeated exposure to lead-containing substances. Causes And Symptoms In humans the main sources of lead are usually lead-based paint and drinking water carried through lead pipes; lead-based paints are especially harmful to children who chew on painted toys and furnishings and eat paint peelings…

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Computer Vision Techniques for Background Modelling in Urban Traffic Monitoring

Traffic data collection is an essential issue for road-traffic control departments, which need real-time information for traffic-parameter estimation: road-traffic intensity, lane occupancy, congestion level, estimation of journey times, etc., as well as for early incident detection. This information can be used to improve road safety as well as to make an optimal use of the…

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The following tests are conducted on the prepared mortars to ensure their quality: 1. Crushing Test                                                                         2. Tensile Strength Test 3. Adhesive Test. 1. Crushing Test: This test is carried out on a brick work with the mortar. This brick work is crushed in a compression testing machine and the load is noted down. Then the…

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The errors may be grouped into the instrumental and personal errors. Instrumental Errors 1. The surface of plane table not perfectly plane. 2. Bevelled edge of alidade not straight. 3. Sight vanes of alidade not perfectly perpendicular to the base. 4. Plane table clamp being loose. 5. Magnetic compass being sluggish. 6. Drawing sheet being…

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What is Cavity Wall?

Cavity walls are those which are constructed in that way that an empty space or cavity is left between the single wall. They are also known as Hollow Wall. Cavity walls are two walls constructed as a single wall. A little space is lifted between these two walls for insulation purposes. These two walls having…

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Canals and inland waterways

Canals and inland waterways, natural or artificial waterways used for navigation, crop irrigation, water supply, or drainage. Despite modern technological advances in air and ground transportation, inland waterways continue to fill a vital role and, in many areas, to grow substantially. This article traces the history of canal building from the earliest times to the present day and describes both…

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What is Structural Engineering?

What is a Structural Engineer? He or she is a person who designs, analyzes and builds structures. Structural engineering, a branch of civil engineering, involves design of structures (e.g. buildings, bridges, etc.) so that they will withstand all anticipated loads and yet be economical to build. What is a Structural Engineer? – Here is a Definition. Structural…

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