A building should be planned in such a manner that it gives maximum day lighting, ventilation and heat insulation. If these requirements are fulfilled, requirement of electric energy comes down. (a) Light: Natural light provides hygenic atmosphere. Light should not be glaring but it should be uniformly distributed. Providing windows and ventilators of appropriate size at suitable positions…

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Machine, device, having a unique purpose, that augments or replaces human or animal effort for the accomplishment of physical tasks. This broad category encompasses such simple devices as the inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw (the so-called simple machines) as well as such complex mechanical systems as the modern automobile. simple machinesSix simple machines for transforming energy into work. The…

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Construction Wastes

construction waste is defined as fairly clean, heterogenous building materials which are produced from the various construction activities, as per Tchobanoglous et al., 1993. Construction, renovation and demolition activities lead to the formation of waste. The construction waste poses great danger to environment. This has put construction industries under pressure to consider suitable methods to protect the…

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Contouring needs the determination of elevation of various points on the ground and at the same the horizontal positions of those points should be fixed. To exercise vertical control levelling work is carried out and simultaneously to exercise horizontal control chain survey or compass survey or plane table survey is to be carried out. If the…

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What Is Composite Masonry?

Composite masonry is the one that is constructed out of two or more types of building units or of different types of building materials. Composite Masonry:  When walls are constructed with two or more types of building materials it is term as composite masonry. It makes the used of locally available materials to obtain optimum economy. The composite masonry…

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Trip generation

Trip generation models provide a measure of the rate at which trips both in and out of the zone in question are made. They predict the total number of trips produced by and attracted to its zone. Centres of residential development, where people live, generally produce trips. The more dense the development and the greater…

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Effective stress

On an element of soil normal stresses as well as shear stresses may act. The simplest case, however, is the case of an isotropic normal stress, see Figure 4.4. It is assumed that the magnitude of this stress, acting in all directions, is σ. In the interior of the soil, for instance at a cross…

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Future of Tunnelling | Using caverns to minimise tunnelling disruption in Brisbane

Cavern construction techniques are helping to minimise disruption during delivery of Brisbane’s new underground rail link. Rail traffic in the Australian city of Brisbane, south east Queensland is currently constrained by a single bridge over Brisbane River, but work is underway to add capacity, reliability and connectivity to the region’s network. The solution is Cross…

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Units Of Measurement

The system most commonly used for the definition of units of measurement, for example of distance and angle, is the ‘Système Internationale’, abbreviated to SI. The basic units of prime interest are: Length in metres (m)  from which we have: Significant Figures Engineers and surveyors communicate a great deal of their professional information using numbers. It…

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