Uses of Bricks

Bricks are used in the following civil works: (i) As building blocks. (ii) For lining of ovens, furnaces and chimneys. (iii) For protecting steel columns from fire. (iv) As aggregates in providing water proofing to R.C.C. roofs. (v) For pavers for footpaths and cycle tracks. (vi) For lining sewer lines.

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Construction Ambassador Definition for Engineers

Construction Ambassadors, as the name suggests, are individuals with a passion for the field of construction. They can have many varied responsibilities, which can make it difficult to define exactly what they really do and to describe their job role precisely. Supporting and sharing the news about new construction is important in ensuring that the…

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Decomposed Granite for Road Building

Paving for walkways and driveways is easily laid down by using decomposed granite that is available from material suppliers either in loose or mixed form. The additives for the mixture would decide the cost of the material. Decomposed Granite Is a Versatile Material Decomposed granite is granite that has broken down over long periods of…

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Biodiversity Conservation

The reasons for conservation of biodiversity can be grouped into three categories: narrowly utilitarian, broadly utilitarian, and ethical. The narrowly utilitarian arguments for conserving biodiversity are obvious; humans derive countless direct economic benefits from naturefood (cereals, pulses, fruits), firewood, fibre, construction material, industrial products (tannins, lubricants, dyes, resins, perfumes) and products of medicinal importance. More…

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Pressure Variation with Depth

Pressure in a static fluid does not change in the horizontal direction as the horizontal forces balance each other out. However, pressure in a static fluid does change with depth, due to the extra weight of fluid on top of a layer as we move downwards. Consider a column of fluid of arbitrary cross section…

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What is Soil Mechanics?

Soil is formed in layers due to the physical, chemical, and biological processes that include transformation of soil materials. Soil mechanics is basically the study of soil and its properties in regard to construction purposes. What is Soil Mechanics?                                                            Soil mechanics is a discipline of civil engineering that predicts the soil performance characteristics utilizing the…

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Building Better for Solar Heating and Cooling

As a source of constant solar radiation, the sun can be a warming presence, a source of energy, or an annoying heater depending on the albedo of materials and type of construction used. Solar Radiation Ah, the sun. Much graceful, illuminating prose has been dedicated to its appearance, benefits, and even harmful effects. But since…

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How to Use a Jackhammer

The jackhammer is a versatile drill that may be powered hydraulically, electrically, or pneumatically. It is used for drilling rocks, breaking pavement, and other work that needs violent hammering. It functions like a chisel and hammer by poking with the bit, and not a rotary motion. Basics of Jackhammers                                Jackhammers are drills that are generally…

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Flow under a structure

As an example the flow under a structure will be considered, see Figure10.2. In this case a sluice has been constructed into the soil. It is assumed that the water level on the left side of the sluice is a distance H higher than the water on the right side. At a certain depth the…

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How to Make Concrete Countertops

It is not difficult to make concrete countertops for your home. This article is based on some easy tips to make concrete countertops. Introduction Making concrete countertops is becoming a famous topic for households in the US and all around the world as well. If you have a little experience with concrete mixing, DIY tools,…

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