Requirements of stone

a)   Appearance  and general  structure:  Stones used for face work should have homogeneous color, should be resistant to weathering agencies and must be able to receive polish. b) Weight:                  Stones should be dense and less porous; good building stones should have a specific gravity between 2.4 and 2.8. When used for domes,  roof coverings, etc.,…

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Types of stone used in stone masonry

a) Igneous stones These stones are obtained from igneous rocks, formed from the cooling and solidification of magma generated within the Earth at high temperatures during volcanic activity. They are generally used for purposes that require strength and durability, such as kerbstones, countertops, floorings, and breakwaters. The igneous stone ranges from very soft rocks such…

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Miscellaneous type rubble

 Polygonal rubble masonry In this type, stones are hammer finished on the face to an irregular polygonal shape. If stones are roughly shaped to form rough fitting, such a work is called rough picked work. If stones are carefully shaped to form close fitting such a work is called close-picked work. • Flint rubble masonry In…

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Dry Rubble Masonry

The construction of this form is similar to that of ordinary rubble masonry without mortar. Dry Rubble Masonry in which the stones are laid one upon other and the packing with cement mortar is not done. Moreover the locking of stones should be done careful so that the interlocking between them is strong and prevents…

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Coursed Rubble Masonry

Coursed Rubble Masonry is the form of masonry which is commonly adopted in the construction of residential buildings public buildings, piers and abutments for ordinary bridges. Considering the dressing and finishing of the stones, it is further sub-divided into first class, second class and third class masonry. In first class masonry, generally all the courses are of the same…

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Random Rubble Masonry

Random Rubble Masonry is slightly superior to uncoursed rubble masonry. In this form the stones used in the work are hammer or chisel-dressed. The stones are not suitably shaped or finished and as such the elevation of this type of stone masonry shows irregular shaped stones with non-uniform joints. In a good work the face stones…

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Joints of Stone Masonry

When start making a stone masonry then comes some joints in stone masonry like a butt joint, Lapped or rebated joint, Table joint, Tongued and grooved joint, Rusticated joints, Slate joints, Saddle joint, Dewel Joints, Cramped joint, Plugged Joints. Joints of stone masonry ·         Butt joint ·         Lapped or rebated joint ·         Table joint ·         Tongued and grooved joint…

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Stone Masonry Construction

Stone masonry is a type of building masonry construction that uses stones and mortar. This construction technique is used for building foundations, floors, retaining walls, arches, walls and columns. The stones used for masonry construction are natural rocks. These natural rocks are cut and dressed into proper shape in order to use it in masonry…

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Masonry consists of building structures from single units that are laid and bound together with mortar. Brick, stone and concrete blocks are the most common materials used in masonry construction. Masonry is a popular construction technique around the world, due to its many advantages. However, like with any construction method, there are also limitations. This…

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Best Practices in Construction

The standard and planned practices followed in the construction industry that will guarantee optimal outcome and profit are regarded as best practices in construction. These practices can be a policy, procedure or a complete system implemented at a given period of time. The practices best for one project won’t be very much helpful for a…

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