What is Earthquake Engineering?

Earthquake construction is an important discipline that contributes to minimizing damage by using pile foundations, base isolation, and other techniques. Evaluation of soil conditions is also important. What Is Earthquake Construction? Earthquake construction ensures that structures resist earthquake shocks by the integration of seismic designs throughout their expected life, in conformity with the building codes…

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Overview of Ancient Mayan Architecture

The Mayan civilization gave many valuable things to the world, including its marvelous architecture which is still a source of inspiration to many designers and engineers worldwide. Maya, a great civilization of the past, is remembered for its rich values and high thinking – a trait which is easily reflected in its language, fine art, food patterns,…

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Errors In Measurement

It should now be apparent that position fixing simply involves the measurement of angles and distance. However, all measurements, no matter how carefully executed, will contain error, and so the true value of a measurement is never known. It follows from this that if the true value is never known, the true error can never…

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Ashalt, bitumen and tar are referred as bituminous materials, which are essentially hydrocarbon materials.The asphalt is a mixture of inert mineral matter lime alumina, lime, silica etc. and a hydrocarbon known as asphaltic bitumen. In some places like Trinidad and Bermudez, asphalt is available in nature at a depth of 3 to 60 metres. It is known…

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Remote Sensing for Water Quality Surveillance in Inland Waters: The Case Study of Asprokremmos Dam in Cyprus

Monitoring, protecting, and improving the quality of water in lakes and reservoirs is critical for targeting conservation efforts and improving the quality of the environment (Ritchie et al., 1994; Nellis et al., 1998). The standard traditional mapping and monitoring techniques of lakes have already become too expensive compared with the information achieved for environmental use (Östlund…

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How To Use Needle Vibrator Efficiently?

Needle Vibrator                                            Needle type concrete vibrator These concrete vibrators are also referred to as poker or immersion vibrator. These are extensively used in building industry. A needle vibrator consists of a cylindrical casing made of steel and is vibrated by means of a flexible drive with an outer tube run from an operating machine which…

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What role does PR play for NGOs?

It’s a fact that PR plays a vital role in efficient management of NGOs. Many NGOs are coming up with their own PR strategies, even appointing high-profile celebs – to attract social attention and funds. The importance of Public Relations in NGO management is now accepted worldwide. Foundations and charities are using sophisticated PR campaigns…

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Investigation of Ground Remote Sensing Techniques for Supporting an Early Warning Water-Leakage System

The decrease of water availability is a major global problem that is increasing in intensity. Since water resources have been substantially reduced over the past years, control over water distribution is now considered imperative. For this reason, water supply networks are more closely monitored and significant efforts are made to reduce the effects of leakages….

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The following two types of scales are used in surveying: (i) Plain Scale (ii) Diagonal Scale. Plain Scale On a plain scale it is possible to read two dimensions directly such as unit and tenths. This scale is not drawn like ordinary foot rule (30 cm scale). If a scale of 1 : 40 is to be…

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