The Janbu Approach


The Janbu approach, proposed by Nilmar Janbu in the early 1960s (Janbu 1963; 1965; 1967), and referenced by the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, CFEM (1985, 1992), combines the basic principles of linear and non-linear stress-strain behavior. The method applies to all soils, clays as well as sand. By the Janbu method, the relation between stress and strain is simply a function of two nondimensional parameters that are unique for any soil: a stress exponent, j, and a modulus number, m. (Strictly, the modulus is for constrained (“oedometer”) condition). Professor Janbu has presented a comprehensive summary of his method (Janbu 1998).

The Janbu approach is based on the definition of the conventional tangent modulus, Mt = ΒΆs/ΒΆe, by the following expression (Eq. 3.7).

The Janbu expressions for strain are derived as follows.

Cohesionless Soil β€” j > 0

For cohesionless soil, the stress exponent is larger than zero, j > 0. Integrating Eq. 3.7 results in Eq. 3.8

Mathematically, any stress exponent value larger than zero can be used. An exponent equal to unity indicates a linear stress-deformation response to load. A value smaller than unity agrees with the observation that for each increment stress the deformation of a soil volume becomes progressively smaller. A value larger than unity implies a soil where the incremental deformation increases with increasing stress. The latter has no practical application other than the fact that it, on occasion, can be useful in curve-fitting to observed records of stress or load versus movement, e.g., in dilative soil subjected to shear forces.

Dense Coarse-Grained Soil β€” j = 1

The stress-strain behavior (settlement) in dense coarse-grained soils, such as glacial till, can be assumed to be β€˜elastic’, which means that the stress exponent is equal to unity (j = 1) and the compression is β€˜linearly elastic”. It is normally assumed that immediate compression is linearly elastic, i.e., Ei and mi are constant and the stress exponent, j, is equal to unity. By inserting j = 1 and considering that the reference stress, Οƒr , is equal to 100 kPa, Eq. 3.7 becomes Eq. 3.9.

Sandy or Silty Soil β€” j = 0.5

Janbu’s original concept considered a gradual increase of the stress exponent, j, from zero to unity when going from clay to dense gravel, though applying a gradual change is considered unnecessary in practice. Values of “j” other than j = 0 or j = 1, are only used for sandy or silty soils, where the stress exponent is often taken as equal to 0.5. (It actually reduces with decreasing grain size, but j = 0.5 is usually an acceptable average). By inserting this value and considering that the reference stress is 100 kPa, Eq. 3.7 simplifies to Eq. 3.11. For a soil, which is expected to be have a non-linear response (j = 0.5), where an average E-modulus is known for a range of stress, combining Eqs. 3.9 and 3.11 can enable a modulus number to be calibrated from (i.e., fitted to) a known E-modulus and stress range.

The Janbu modulus number can also be estimated from results of a CPTU sounding, as described in Section 2.11. This is an advantage of the Janbu approach because determining compressibility of coarsegrained soils in the laboratory is difficult.