
The rate of consolidation always slows down significantly toward the end of the consolidation period. The time between about 80 % and 95 % of primary consolidation can require as long time as that from start to 80 %, and the time from 95 % to, say, 98 % can take a very long time….

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Future of Tunnelling | Using caverns to minimise tunnelling disruption in Brisbane

Cavern construction techniques are helping to minimise disruption during delivery of Brisbane’s new underground rail link. Rail traffic in the Australian city of Brisbane, south east Queensland is currently constrained by a single bridge over Brisbane River, but work is underway to add capacity, reliability and connectivity to the region’s network. The solution is Cross…

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Highway CBA worked example

Introduction It is proposed to upgrade an existing single carriageway road to a dual carriageway and to improve some of the junctions. The time frame for construction of the scheme is set at two years, with the benefits of the scheme accruing to the road users at the start of the third year. As listed…

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Architecture, the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends. Although these two ends may be distinguished, they cannot be separated, and the relative weight given to each can vary…

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What is Soil Mechanics?

Soil is formed in layers due to the physical, chemical, and biological processes that include transformation of soil materials. Soil mechanics is basically the study of soil and its properties in regard to construction purposes. What is Soil Mechanics?                                                            Soil mechanics is a discipline of civil engineering that predicts the soil performance characteristics utilizing the…

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Modern Tools of Surveying

Theodolite is an instrument which replaced compass and level. It can measure both horizontal and vertical angles. If telescope is kept at zero reading of vertical angle it serves as an ordinary level. In this modern era of electronics equipments have come up to measure the distances to relieve surveyor from chaining long lines. Total station is…

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What is Waste Segregation?

What is Waste Segregation? Segregation of our waste is essential as the amount of waste being generated today caused immense problem. There are certain items are not Bio Degradable but can be reused or recycled in fact it is believed that a larger portion of the waste can be recycled, a part of can be…

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Classification of Timber

Various bases are considered for the classification of timbers. The following are the important basis: (i) Mode of growth (ii) Modulus of elasticity (iii) Durability (iv) Grading (v) Availability. (i) Classification Based on Mode of Growth: On the basis of mode of growth trees are classified as (a) Exogeneous and (b) Endogeneous (a) Exogeneous Trees: These trees grow outward by…

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